A slip and fall accident can be a serious event and may result in significant injuries and losses incurred by a victim. North Carolina residents who suffer these debilitating incidents may be able to pursue their rights and seek the recovery of their damages from the...
Providing Real Help To The Injured Since 1977
Month: March 2019
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A third of American teenagers say they text and drive
It may take only a fraction of a second to send or receive a text message, but that fraction of a second can lead to lifelong consequences if the person sending it is also driving a car. Regrettably, texting and driving continues to be a common behavior among...
A single drink can lead to a drunk driving accident
Readers of this North Carolina legal blog may enjoy a glass of wine or cocktail from time to time, but most may not understand just how quickly and pervasively their favorite alcoholic drinks impact their bodily functions. According to the online medical database,...