When you suddenly lose a loved one in an unexpected incident, money is probably the last thing on your mind. You have to worry about telling your children, adjusting to a life without your loved one and handling your own grief. The practical implications may seem...
Providing Real Help To The Injured Since 1977
Month: August 2020
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Tips for getting a fair settlement from insurance after a crash
In the aftermath of a car crash, you may have higher-than-usual expenses and no income whatsoever because your injuries keep you from working your job. You may be completely dependent on the insurance that you carry and the insurance held by the other driver for your...
If your neighbor’s dog doesn’t like you, here are some tips to avoid a bite
You’ve never met a dog you didn’t like. However, for some mysterious reason, your neighbor’s dog seems to dislike you quite a bit. What do you do? You don’t want to avoid your neighbor simply because their dog is high-strung, aggressive or simply hates people who look...