Many individuals take off on road trips during the summer. While many of these trips may be short day ones, others are much longer. No matter how long the trip is, there are some common dangers motorists face during the summer that just aren't as prevalent at other...
Providing Real Help To The Injured Since 1977
Month: May 2021
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How rugs and mats can cause or prevent a slip-and-fall accident
Businesses and residential buildings need to be safe for the people who come and go through them. Property owners need to maintain clean and safe facilities to protect themselves from liability. Having mats or rugs near an entrance way can be both a source of risk for...
What can cyclists do to avoid traffic collisions?
Cyclists are in a difficult position when they choose to ride on the road. On one hand, they’re getting where they need to go quickly and on a roadway that is designed for them. On the other hand, there are drivers who won’t expect to see them and who won’t give them...