If a dangerous dog approaches you and looks like it’s about to bite, your first instinct may be to run. You don’t want to suffer serious injuries, and you know that dogs are territorial. It seems like leaving the dog’s territory as quickly as possible would help you...
Providing Real Help To The Injured Since 1977
Year: 2024
Do in-car safety features make driving safer?
Manufacturers are constantly coming up with new ways to make their vehicles safer. They have been doing so for decades. So why are car crash injuries and fatalities still so high? Researchers have come up with several explanations that could help explain this apparent...
Why could a dog bite get infected?
Many dog bites never get infected. It’s a good idea to clean the bite wound as soon as the attack happens. If it’s serious and you receive medical care, they may give you antibiotics, ointments or other types of treatment options. There are steps you can take to avoid...
3 important steps to take after a slip-and-fall at a store
Most people don't know how to respond to an incident that leaves them injured. If they don't already have a plan, they can very easily make mistakes that put them at a disadvantage later. A slip-and-fall at a store could can cause soft tissue injuries, broken bones or...
A rural road feels safer, but is it?
For many people, driving on a rural road feels safer. There is probably a lot less traffic, so they do not have to deal with as many other drivers. There are fewer traffic control devices and intersections. They have long stretches of straight pavement where the drive...
Spinal cord injuries that can be caused by a motor vehicle crash
Victims of car crashes often have a lot of effects to deal with. Some of these are mental and emotional, but others are physical. One type of traumatic injury that can occur in a crash involves the spinal cord. A spinal cord injury is often immediately evident at the...
How can you prove distracted driving caused your car accident?
It is highly unlikely that a driver will admit they even caused an accident, let alone that they were distracted at the time. However, proving fault is critical in fault-based auto insurance states like North Carolina. Distracted driving is one of the hardest things...
Traumatic brain injuries caused by car crashes
Many injuries can occur as a result of a car wreck, including traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These injuries can lead to significant life challenges for victims, and they often require considerable medical care. The effects of a TBI depend on various factors,...
3 Tips for driving around trucks
One of the biggest dangers you can face as a driver is the huge trucks that cruise the roads. They are an essential part of the transport system, but that does not make driving next to them any less scary. A collision with a truck can easily lead to severe injuries or...
Who can file a wrongful death claim in North Carolina?
Wrongful death claims can be filed when someone dies due to another person's negligence or wrongdoing. This type of claim seeks to compensate the deceased's surviving family members for their loss. Here, you can learn who can legally file a wrongful death claim in...