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Are distracted driving accidents on the rise in Charlotte?

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2024 | Distracted Driving Accidents |

Distracted driving has become a pressing issue, both nationwide and locally. With so many drivers texting, scrolling through social media or fidgeting with in-car touchscreens (also known as infotainment systems), it is no surprise that collisions tied to driver inattention continue to climb.

Defining distracted driving

Distracted driving refers to any activity that takes your focus off the road, whether it is sending a text message, browsing apps, eating lunch behind the wheel or adjusting a GPS. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that in 2020 alone, distracted driving led to 3,142 fatalities in the United States, and this was in a year where far less people were driving than usual. The number rose to 3,308 in 2022, an increase of more than 5% from 2020. Though not all these incidents occurred in Charlotte, the city has seen its share of crashes caused by drivers who were simply not paying attention.

Contributing factors

Several factors feed into the rise of distracted driving, but none more than smartphones. Using a smartphone takes a driver’s eyes from the road, and every second counts on our busy roads. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration equates that lapse to traveling the length of a football field blindfolded at highway speeds. Many believe they can manage multiple tasks while driving, but research from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety shows otherwise.

And, unfortunately, these modern conveniences and distractions can come from the car itself too. Modern vehicle infotainment systems can divert attention away from surrounding traffic and hazards in an analogous way to smartphones and other multitasking.

Local impact

Charlotte’s increasing population and bustling roads magnify the problem. According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, distracted driving contributed to more than 54,000 crashes statewide in 2020, many of them likely in urban areas. And, in 2021, that number rose to 276,026, an 11.7% increase from the year prior. These accidents can inflict serious injuries and impose heavy financial and emotional costs on those involved.


Auto vehicle crashes are an issue across the country, including here locally and throughout North Carolina. And, distracted driving is a huge driver. Tackling distracted driving is no easy feat, and when a distracted driver injures another driver, they deserve justice. Luckily, our state laws allow for civil justice as we are not a no-fault state.