A dislocated shoulder is a common injury – and a very painful one. It can happen, of course, in sports, but also in a car crash or a bad fall. People often think that once it’s put back in place (which should only be done by a doctor), they’re good to go and that the...
Providing Real Help To The Injured Since 1977
Year: 2022
Are you suffering from amaxophobia after a crash?
If a car crash has left you afraid to get behind the wheel again, or maybe even leaves you shaking and sick if you have to ride in a car, you’re not alone. There is a recognized condition called amaxophobia (or sometimes hamaxopobia), which means fear of driving. ...
When are businesses responsible for slip-and-fall injuries?
Individuals are largely responsible for their own actions and therefore their own injuries. If someone decides to run recklessly through a parking lot while drunk, they would have no one to blame but themselves if they lose their footing and fall or get struck by a...
Understanding aphasia and its link to concussions
A concussion, which is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have a number of effects on a person’s body and mind. Some resolve within a short time. Others can have long-term consequences. The location of the injury to the brain determines in part how a person is...
Why you shouldn’t run from an aggressive dog
Dogs are America’s most beloved pets. In fact, nearly 50 million households have at least one dog as part of the family. Typically, dogs are friendly and welcoming to new people, but this isn’t always the case. Being faced with an aggressive dog is a scary situation...
Hidden dangers in the parking lot
Think about what you do in parking lots. You park your vehicle. For many, though, the parking lot is full of distractions and, as a result, potential risks. According to the National Safety Council, one in five accidents occurs in parking lots and parking garages....
4 common traffic dangers in fall
Everything around you tells you it’s fall, which means pumpkins on every doorstep, trick-or-treating and seasonal road hazards. Next time you’re on the road you may have to be extra careful to avoid an auto accident. Here’s what you should know: 1. Slick leaves and...
How your mobile phone can prove fault after a crash
It is human nature to try to avoid negative consequences. Many people will quickly lie to protect themselves from the consequences of their decisions. For example, the driver who ran a red light and crashed into you at an intersection or who drove at such high speeds...
North Carolina wrongful death lawsuit: Who can file a claim?
Accidents happen all the time. When an accident results in another person’s injuries, the victim may pursue the negligent party for compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. However, if the injury leads to death, the victim still deserves justice. And this is...
Can mobility issues keep you from taking legal action for a fall?
You found out that a parent or grandparent slipped on some spilled liquid in the store, fell and suffered a concussion. Maybe they tripped on a vacuum cleaner cord that was slithering around the floor of a hotel lobby as someone was cleaning and they broke several...